Susan Schafer Guess speaks at the fourth installment of Murray State University’s seminar series, “Adventures: Life and Its Experiences” about her daughter’s journey through bullying.
The series allows students, faculty, alumni and the community to interact with speakers who have a wealth of academic and entrepreneurial experiences. Speakers will discuss their experiences related to their successes and their challenges.
Guess is a Murray State University alumna and board of regents member from Paducah, Ky. She is senior vice president/marketing director of The Paducah Bank and Trust Company. Guess received a B.S. degree in public relations from Murray State and the master of public administration degree from the University of Louisville. She is also a Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education board member.
She is an active community volunteer with the Lourdes Hospital Foundation, Rotary Club and the Lourdes Strategic Planning and Project Review committees. Previously, Guess served as chair of the board for the Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce and president of Paducah River City Business and Professional Women.
Guess has been the recipient of numerous awards including the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award and the Housing and Urban Development National Community Service Award.
“Adventures: Life and Its Experiences” is co-sponsored by Dr. Renee Fister with the Provost Office, and is coordinated by Fister and Dr. Renae Duncan. The final speaker in the series this fall will be Dr. Constantine Curris, chair of the board of regents and former MSU president from Lexington, Ky., Dec. 5.