Thanksgiving is around the corner and is a time to reflect on good fortune, friends and family. Some good fortunes can be taken for granted: a roof over your head, food in the refrigerator, a job that pays a fair wage. The Gentry House in Murray helps homeless families with children who may have suffered from domestic violence or lost jobs. It's a transitional shelter where people can stay for up to 90 days. During this time, they'll get help finding a job, pursuing educational routes and permanent housing.
On Sounds Good, we speak with Gentry House director Kim Mason, and the president of its board of directors, Dr. Robert Lyons of Murray State's College of Education and Health Services.
Homelessness in Calloway County isn't people living on the streets, but looks like couch-surfing: living with friends or family members under a shared roof. Situations like these can cause tension in relationships and can harm a child's wellbeing.
Murray and Calloway County have proclaimed November 15th through the 23rd as Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week. They have assisted in funding for The Gentry House, which has recently faced a funding crisis. In the early days, The Gentry House relied primarily on grant funding, which ebbs and flows. They have since undergone a restructuring of its funding base to reflect the reality of today's nonprofits. In addition to city and county funding, they have an expanded group of committed donors in the community, giving either money or supplies.
Dr. Robert Lyons says homelessness isn't something you can easily find statistics for online, but members of the community will provide anecdotal stories with a high awareness of friends or family members who have been in this situation. He hopes The Gentry House can help families get back on their feet and to develop the best possible solutions for families and the underlying cause of homelessness in the community. Kim Mason hopes to develop classes in stress management, child development and parenting for families that come through The Gentry House.