Black Friday is here and Cyber Monday is coming up, which means many consumers are holiday shopping or prepping their lists. University of Louisville pediatrician Heather Felton said those shopping for children should be aware of potential hazards.
The US Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates hospital emergency departments treated almost 200,000 toy-related injuries to children under the age of 15 last year.
Felton said parents shouldn't ignore the age recommendation labels on toys.
"Really look at that as far as what that manufacturer recommends,” Felton said. “And when they put that number on there they're taking into consideration the type of toy that it is. Is it appropriate for their development? Does it have small pieces that can be easily swallowed?"
She said ornaments, Christmas lights and stockings can also be safety hazards.
"You also want to look out for Christmas lights and make sure children who are young aren't chewing them and putting them in their mouth and at risk for being electrocuted by it,” Felton said. “Heavy stockings holders on top of the mantle that can be pulled down and fall on top of a child. Those are the kinds of things you want to watch out for.”
Felton said the most common injuries involve choking or burns. She said the best way to protect children from harmful toys is to think before you gift and follow the age recommendations on packages.