The Murray-Calloway County airport will receive between $2 and $3 million worth of upgrades in the next two years.
Board Chairman Jim Fain said the Federal Aviation Administration visited Kyle-Oakley Field in April and suggested repaving the runway and other alterations. Fain said the airport is also purchasing new snow removal equipment and plans to cut some trees near the runway approach.
Fain said maintaining the airport is important for the local economy.
“People don’t realize how many jets that a lot of the companies in Murray own," Fain said. "You know, Briggs and Stratton, Vanderbilt Chemical, Fisher-Price flies in, Kroger Flies in. Most of your bigger corporations have a jet and we want to accommodate those.”
The FAA is funding 90 percent of the upgrades, with the airport and state and local governments covering the rest. Fain expects the airport to be closed for 2 or 3 weeks for construction next year.