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Paducah Recovery Center Receives Grant from Employer of Former Client

Centerpoint Recovery Center for Men via Facebook

Paducah’s CenterPoint Recovery Center for Men has received a grant from the employer of a former client. Josh Randles says he was fighting an alcohol addiction and Centerpoint changed his life.

Randles is now employed by the HB Fuller Company, which manufactures adhesives, and is a member of its Community Affairs Council (CAC). He received the job at HB Fuller after graduating from the center’s rehabilitation program.


“Another miracle happened. God helped me through that too. The day I graduated I got a call and I graduated on a Tuesday and I got a call that Tuesday saying you got a job at HB Fuller,” says Randles.

He credits the support of peer mentors for helping him overcome his addiction.

“It does help. You have to go and reach out, you know, I don’t think anybody is just going to say ‘hey, I’m going to give you this’ you know, or just hold your hand through it. You just have to want it as well,” says Randles.

Randles says he hasn’t had a drink for more than two years. According to a 2015 report by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration more than 200-thousand Kentuckians are dependent on or abuse alcohol. Randles says the area does a good job in offering support for those suffering from an addiction.


“People are always going to be there to support you and give their experience, strength and hope and let you know that hundreds of thousands of people go through this all the time,” says Randles.  

CenterPoint Recovery Center for Men in Paducah is a residential drug and alcohol treatment center managed by Four Rivers Behavioral Health. Randles presented the 500 dollar check today Thursday at Centerpoint.




Ebony Clark is a student at Murray State University majoring in computer science. She was born in Brownsville, Tennessee. Ebony has served as a reporter for 4-H congress in Nashville, TN where she spoke with several state leaders and congressmen. Ebony enjoys writing poetry and spoken word and competed in Tennessee's Poetry Out Loud competition hosted by the arts council in Nashville,TN.
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