A website launched earlier this year is helping Kentucky get a better understanding of the kinds of addiction treatment facilities and programs needed by its residents.
FindHelpNowKY.org is a search engine that can be used by those with substance abuse disorders, their family members, and medical professionals.
It’s been used by an estimated 6,000 Kentuckians since it launched January 1, and tracks 181 providers and 446 facilities across the state that serve those with addiction issues.
The website provides users with real-time information on openings at addiction treatment facilities across the state, the kinds of services offered, and whether the facilities accept Medicaid.
Dr. Terry Bunn is the director of the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center, which oversees the website.
She says the state should have a good idea by the end of the year of what kinds of treatment people are seeking.
“I think a full year of data at least through the end of the calendar year would be sufficient to be able to provide good, targeted information on type of capacity as far as treatment facilities go in the state.”
Dr. Bunn says those who have used the website so far typically fall into two categories.
“People tend to search most often for out-patient treatment that accepts Medicaid within their own county, and those that are searching on behalf of a friend or family member”.
Those who visit FindHelpNowKY.org can anonymously answer questions about their geographic location, cost parameters, and the kind of treatment required.
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