Murray, KY- Dedicated WKMS listeners and underwriters topped the station’s autumn fundraising goal on Halloween Day, 2013 by contributing over $130,000 in support for this public radio service that Murray State University has provided the region, with community support, for over four decades.
Also, regional Rotary Clubs partnered with WKMS to contribute 1,000 pounds of food to community food banks, one for each pledge the station received. WKMS Development Director Asia Burnett says, “We’re so thankful to Rotarians for getting involved, adding impact to our listeners’ generosity - not only supporting indispensable public radio programming, but providing food to area food banks as well. Feeding minds and feeding homes – that’s a wonderful thing.” Thanks go to Roger Reichmuth, Assistant Governor for Rotary Clubs in our area and to participating Clubs in Cadiz, Clinton, Fulton, Hickman, Hopkinsville, Madisonville, Marshall, Mayfield, Metropolis, Murray, Paris, Paducah Rotaract, and Princeton for making this project possible.
Donations came from listeners in 16 states. Listeners in Murray and Paducah combined contributed 51 percent of the total. Residents of Cadiz, Benton, and Martin, TN., in that order, served as the next largest contributing cities. The station gained 93 New Members and 104 Sustaining Members. In September and October, over 100 student and community volunteers helped by taking pledges from listeners by phone or by joining WKMS staff on-air. Many local restaurants supplied food for the staff and volunteers.
Community support enables the station to provide NPR news and local public radio programming for the four rivers region by paying for programming subscriptions, equipment maintenance, and a myriad of business expenses. This support also helps WKMS qualify for funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and Murray State. The WKMS Fundraiser drawing winners were: Sam and Bonnie McNeely of Murray (iPad Mini); Linda Johnsonius of Paris, TN (“Ultimate WKMS Fan Prize Pack”); Jon and Bonnie Prudhomme of Cadiz (Alvarez Guitar from Music One of Murray); Dr. Edie Busija of Murray (Season tickets for Racer Basketball by MSU Athletics).
WKMS salutes many businesses in the region who contributed to the fundraiser. These include: Janice Mason Art Museum of Cadiz; Ashland of Calvert City; St. Peters of the Lakes of Gilbertsville; Angelique’s Antiques and The Corner Shoppe of Hazel; Pennyroyal Arts Council of Hopkinsville; GlemaMahr Center for the Arts of Madisonville and Madisonville Community College; Wonderland Books & Games of Martin; Fidalgo Bay Coffee, Healthy Living & Wellness Expo, Murray State Office of Regional Outreach, Murray Woman's Clinic, Steve Skaggs of McConnell Insurance, UPS Store, and Woodcrafters Galleries all of Murray; Artisan Kitchen, Denton & Keuler, Etcetera Coffeehouse, Flamingo Row, Flower + Furbish, Gallery 1025, Midtown Market, Roof Brothers Wine & Spirits, The Wedding Book, and White & White Family Dentistry all of Paducah; Downtown Paris Association; and Eddy Grove Vineyard of Princeton.
WKMS serves listeners in the Four Rivers Region of western Kentucky, southernmost Illinois and northwestern Tennessee. Stations include 91.3 WKMS-FM and WKMS HD-1 and All-Music HD-2, Murray; 90.9 WKMD-FM and WKMD HD-1 and HD-2, Madisonville; 89.5 WKMT-FM, Fulton; and translators 99.5 Paris, Tenn., and All-Music 92.5 Paducah and 105.1 Madisonville. WKMS live streams both channels WKMS HD-1 and HD-2 at, where regular weekly schedules of programs are available. Call 1-800-599-4737 for more information.
Membership Coordinator Jenni Todd (270-809-4748 or