Paducah Bank is partnering with the Columbia Art House Restoration Project to provide financial assistance and security by utilizing historic tax…
Restoration work on Paducah's historic Columbia Theatre is moving forward. The Paducah Art House Alliance, overseeing the theatre, approved a schematics…
Recent clean up efforts at the Columbia Theatre in downtown Paducah sparked a creative endeavor with local artists. The Paducah Art House Alliance is…
Downtown Paducah's Columbia Theatre is in the early stages of rebirth, or that's what members of the Columbia Club hope. The massive theatre first opened…
Darlene Mazzone and Landee Bryant-Greene join us on Sounds Good to talk about the Columbia Club's efforts to raise funds to renovate Paducah's historic…
The Columbia Club has received a $49,000 grant from the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet to clean up asbestos and lead contamination in Paducah’s…
The Columbia Club has received a $25,000 donation, made through the Community Foundation of West Kentucky, to aid in restoration of the Columbia Theater…
The Paducah Renaissance Alliance wants to expand its advisory board from nine to 15 members. Executive Director Lisa Thompson and Chairperson Darlene…
Headlines and soundbytes from world leaders is sometimes the only impressions we get of a country, but how often does a politician or president accurately…
If you’ve ever driven down the highway and spotted a sign with a misplaced apostrophe or seen syntax so teeth-grindingly bad you almost ran off the road,…