A new effort to put alcohol sales on the local ballot has begun in Crittenden County, over a year and half after a previous pro-alcohol campaign…
Paris Winery and Spirits, which currently operates in Tennessee is looking to open a sales and tasting business in Murray.The city's zoning board has…
Package liquor sales could begin as early as next week in Murray. Earlier this week the Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control issued the first…
Package sales of beer are skyrocketing in Murray, according to one of the region's largest distributors. Golden Eagle Distributing transports all…
Votes for Murray's wet dry election could certified as early as Friday. The city voted to allow package alcohol sales this week, in a local option…
The City of Murray and Marshall County held separate local option elections today. Murray, a city that allows liquor by the drink sales, asked residents…
Voters in Marshall County and the City of Murray head to the polls today to vote on the question of legalizing package liquor sales in their respective…
Absentee voting begins Thursday on Murray’s packaged alcohol vote. Calloway County Clerk Ray Coursey said registered voters who will be out of town for…
This July 17th, Murray residents will head to the polls to decide whether or not the city should go wet. That is, whether to allow the sale of alcohol…
Murray will hold a local option election in July to decide whether or not to allow packaged alcohol sales within the city limits. County Judge Executive…