ReImagine Appalachia analyzed data showing the region already has an outsized role in some manufacturing sectors. Armed with that knowledge, they say communities could attract similar green manufacturing companies and add good paying jobs.
An international tooling company is relocating its North American headquarters to Louisville. The economic investment aims to create 24 full-time new jobs over 10 years.
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted small and large businesses alike, dramatically altering the supply chain and forcing many to close their…
A financial technology company says Kentucky is home to three of the top 25 best places in the U.S. to work in manufacturing. The list created by the…
Aircraft manufacturing has a long history in the Ohio Valley region stretching back to the Wright Brothers’ first shop. Today aerospace products are among…
Donald Trump campaigned with tough talk on trade. How will his trade policies as president affect the Ohio Valley’s economy? Becca Schimmel of the Ohio…
The electoral map of Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia is a sea of red with a few islands of blue. Of the 263 counties in the three states only nine went…
A program to address the shortage of skilled workers for advanced manufacturing is expanding in the Owensboro area.The project is called GO FAME, which…