Two weeks from today is the AT&T Women in Telecom Golf Day, an effort to raise scholarships funds for women in the TSM program at Murray State interested…
The so-called 'AT&T bill' passed this year by the Kentucky legislature will give the company more freedom from regulations when placing lines for home…
The issue of cyber security has become increasingly relevant, with recent attacks on Sony, Target and Anthem making headlines over the past few months.…
Net neutrality is back in the headlines after FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced his plans to present a 300-page document at a meeting later this month,…
Murray State's Telecommunications Systems Management program hosts the AT&T Women in Telecom Golf Day on September 11. Program coordinator Annie Vandiver…
A free technology security conference, the region's largest, The Patterns of Distinction: Security Matters Conference is coming up April 24th.…
The issue of net neutrality has seen a resurgence on across the internet again after the announcement that Netflix has agreed to pay Comcast to make its…