Communities in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, including far west Kentucky, are conducting an exercise this week and next to prepare for a sudden, massive…
A new study in Kentucky says U.S. Geological Survey maps overstate the earthquake hazard for the central United States.The result is overly stringent…
In its first One-Year Seismic Hazard Forecast, the United States Geological Survey indicates an increased short-term risk for natural earthquakes in the…
Missouri’s bootheel felt a magnitude 4.0 earthquake last night. The United States Geological Survey reported the initial shock hit around 10:51 PM about 2…
2015 is the bicentennial of the Federal Government’s first disaster relief act, passed in the wake of the New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811 and 1812. The…
Geologists with Indiana University and several other Midwestern schools have identified widespread seismic activity along an “underappreciated” seismic...
A select group of Murray firefighters will undergo an elite training course next month to help rescue professionals respond to damaged buildings and…
Murray is undergoing city-wide disaster drills tomorrow to examine how local agencies respond to a significant earthquake event.Western Kentucky lies just…
USGS Scientists Bill Ellsworth and Oliver Boyd join Kate Lochte on Sounds Good to speak about regional work involving earthquakes and the New Madrid Fault…
The U.S. Geological Survey is conducting low-level flights across sections of the New Madrid earthquake seismic zone. The USGS will begin conducting the…