Louisville pediatrician Michelle Elisburg recently saw a 10-year-old patient who had started acting out in school, couldn’t stop fidgeting and was…
In villages in Mexico, parents have accomplished what every mom and dad dreams of: Figured out a way to get to their kids to be helpful around the house. What's their secret?
What made us human might have had less to do with men out hunting, and a lot more to do with what was going on at home — with grandmas and babies.
Many of these experts are also parents, and their work informs their approach to making rules with their kids about phones, TV and other media.
In a recent national survey, nearly 80 percent of women living in rural areas reported having experienced sexual intercourse by age 18, compared with 68.6 percent of women in cities.
Who ruled early farming? Women! Studies of ancient bones show that women's physical labor was crucial to driving the agricultural revolution in Europe.
The average age for fathers of newborns in the U.S. has risen from 27.4 years back in 1972 to 30.9 years now. And if the baby's dad has a college degree, he's likely to be even older.
The administration has said it will work out the details of the paid leave plan in budget negotiations. Here are a few of the questions that will have to be answered.
More dads are getting involved with parenting, but the resources to help them are much slimmer than those available for moms.
The most common challenge parents face when looking for child care is the high cost. At an average cost of $10,000 a year, infant child care rivals a year's tuition at a state college or university.