Lawmakers and union leaders are raising concerns about the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration’s practices amid an increase in coal fatalities.…
A nationally recognized educator is advocating for more teacher freedom in their classrooms. Ron Clark is a featured speaker at the annual College and…
U.S. Congressman James Comer discussed Syria, healthcare, tax reform and thoughts about President Trump with Murray-Calloway County business leaders at a…
When President Donald Trump signed his latest executive order last week, he surrounded himself with coal miners and returned to a familiar campaign theme:…
Many of America's farmers are successfully fending off environmental regulation, from the Obama administration's Clean Water Rule to a lawsuit in Iowa that's aimed at reducing nitrates in rivers.
Surrounded by corporate leaders, President Trump signed an executive action telling government agencies to slash "job killing" rules. Environmentalists argue the move could undo important protections.
Cutting regulations is easier said than done, requiring a lengthy process involving public comment.
Farmers throughout the Ohio Valley want to revive a crop that was once a staple in the region: hemp. After a ban that lasted more than half a century, the…
The energy that lights up, turns on, cools and heats our lives leaves a trail of waste. Natural gas is no exception. The waste from the gas drilling known…
Kentucky lawmakers are reviewing a proposal to add middle schools athletics to the Kentucky High School Athletic Association's oversight. It would mark…