A ruling by Kentucky's attorney general says the University of Louisville violated the state's open records law by denying a newspaper's request for…
Kentucky's attorney general says the economic development cabinet wrongfully denied a newspaper's request for the names of investors in a company that…
The Kentucky attorney general's office says it can't determine whether a board inspecting Gov. Matt Bevin's Louisville home violated open meetings law…
Kentucky’s attorney general is continuing criticism of Gov. Matt Bevin’s purchase of a mansion in suburban Louisville.The Courier-Journal first reported…
A Kentucky family court judge says he won't hear anymore adoption cases that involve gay adults. The Courier-Journal reports Judge Mitchell Nance issued…
A report written by an attorney for a special House committee says the panel couldn't prove that Gov. Matt Bevin stopped a road project in retaliation…
Gov. Matt Bevin took to social media Wednesday to levy attacks on a political opponent and the state’s largest newspaper, falsely claiming that Attorney…
The Courier-Journal's new executive editor is Joel Christopher, vice president of USA Today Network-Wisconsin. The Courier-Journal reports Christopher…
A state judge has fined the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services more than $750,000 dollars because it "willfully circumvented" open-records…
A Louisville attorney on Tuesday called for a criminal investigation into the former head of the Legislative Research Commission who told a Kentucky…