Murray State University College of Business Dean Dr. Tim Todd is one of three finalists to become provost and senior vice president at James Madison…
Murray State officials have named a new Acting Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Dr. Renae Duncan currently serves as Associate Provost for…
One of Murray State's leading administrators is stepping down and returning to his previous position. Dr. Tim Todd has served as interim provost and vice…
The Calloway County Fiscal Court's Solid Waste Committee is looking at expanding the county’s nuisance ordinance.Committee chair Tim Todd says the current…
With classes already underway, Murray State University President Bob Davies stopped by the WKMS studios to give an update on leadership staffing changes…
Following Murray State Provost Dr. Jay Morgan’s appointment to a position with the Council on Postsecondary Education, MSU President Dr. Bob Davies has…
A recanvass of the Calloway County's 2nd District Magistrate race came up with the same results as election night.Candidate Bill Duncan called for the…
Calloway County 2nd District Magistrate Candidate Bill Duncan is calling for a recanvass. He lost against Democrat Tim Todd last week by 41 votes, less…
MSU's Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business presents an economic development conference next Tuesday, December 10 in the Curris Center. The College's…