The National Labor Relations Board has issued a decision in favor of Honeywell Plant officials regarding a complaint that they illegally locked out…
Honeywell’s Metropolis plant restarts production today, 18 days after a gas leak at the facility.On the evening of Oct 26, employees there reported a…
UPDATE: 3:53pm ThursdayNo agreement was reached today between Honeywell and union officials. Honeywell Representative Peter Dalpe says that company…
Metropolis Honeywell union members demonstrated in front of Honeywell corporate headquarters in Washington, D.C. and attempted to meet with several…
Labor agreement negotiations at the Metropolis Honeywell Plant got off to a bumpy start as workers were ordered to remove their union stickers yesterday…
Contract negotiations begin next week between the Metropolis Honeywell plant and the local union.The last contract negotiation began in 2010 and lasted…
Honeywell’s Metropolis plant is bringing back the remaining 11 workers on its recall list to meet its 2014 production targets. Plant Manager Jim Pritchett…
Members of United Steel Workers at the Honeywell Plant in Metropolis say the Nuclear Regulatory Agency blocked participation by Local Union President…
United Steelworkers officials who represent the hourly workers at the Honeywell nuclear facility in Metropolis say they were not notified beforehand of…
Honeywell officials released more information today about why the Metropolis plant’s reopening has been pushed back. The company had planned to restart…