Due to COVID-19 safety restrictions The Salvation Army has operated differently this year. But in Kentucky the organization has continued to provide food,…
Citizen Foster Care Review Boards in Kentucky are looking for volunteers to review foster care cases in 37 counties. In Western Kentucky, Christian,…
The Ohio Valley’s opioid epidemic has effects far beyond the individuals struggling through addiction, with families and children suffering as well. An…
The Paducah Warming Center is seeking volunteers for the 2016 - 17 season. The center provides a place for ‘people in need of shelter from colder weather’…
As the University of Tennessee- Knoxville Athletics program evolves from their moniker “Lady Vols” other universities with gender distinguishing titles…
Volunteers are needed for Land Between The Lakes annual spring cleanup April 13. Volunteers will spruce up the Turkey Bay Off-Highway Vehicle Area trails…
Western Kentucky Red Cross chapters have deployed seven volunteers to help with Hurricane Isaac Storm clean up. Paducah Area Red Cross Director Jessica…
Montgomery County, Tennessee officials say they are in need of additional citizens to work at polling places. Five new precincts have been added to the…