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Changing 'Gurgles' to 'Turtles'

NPR's Puzzlemaster Will Shortz quizzes one of our listeners, and has a challenge for everyone at home.

Challenge from May 22

This challenge is from Ed Pegg, Jr., from Champaign, Ill. Take the word "plantation" -- it contains the consecutive letters of the movie Patton reading from left to right, although not consecutively. What familiar word contains the letters of Star Wars, reading from left to right, and not necessarily consecutively?


This week's winner: Mary Sheedy from Hollidaysburg, Pa. She listens to Weekend Edition on NPR station WPSU in State College, Pa.

Challenge from May 29

This challenge involves a four-letter word square. Write down these four words, one under the other: SAGA, OPAL, FELL, and TRAY. The results spell four different words vertically: SOFT, APER, GALA, ALLY. This square contains three "L's" and no plurals, or verbs formed by adding "S". The challenge is to create a similar square with as many "L's" as possible, and no plurals or verbs formed by adding "S". And our reference for acceptable words will be Merriam-Webster's eleventh Collegiate Dictionary.

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NPR's Puzzlemaster Will Shortz has appeared on Weekend Edition Sunday since the program's start in 1987. He's also the crossword editor of The New York Times, the former editor of Games magazine, and the founder and director of the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament (since 1978).