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'Tenth Muse' Recounts an American Food Revolution

A French gourmet once called food the tenth muse, right up there with poetry, music and dance. Long-time Knopf editor Judith Jones followed that muse to help change American home cooking.

Jones's new memoir, The Tenth Muse: My Life in Food, is the story of how she helped spark a food revolution.

As Americans prepare to give thanks on the upcoming holiday, we also should give thanks to Jones for some of the pleasure we get in cooking Thanksgiving meals.

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NPR commentator Bonny Wolf grew up in Minnesota and has worked as a reporter and editor at newspapers in New Jersey and Texas. She taught journalism at Texas A&M University where she encouraged her student, Lyle Lovett, to give up music and get a real job. Wolf gives better advice about cooking and eating, and contributes her monthly food essay to NPR's award-winning Weekend Edition Sunday. She is also a contributing editor to "Kitchen Window," NPR's Web-only, weekly food column.