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Osceola Dawson, Renaissance Woman

By Jacque Day

Western Kentucky – Osceola Dawson isn't a household name today, but in her time, this Western Kentucky lady's one-of-a-kind voice carried like the wind into the ears of the American public. Jacque Day explores the life of this Renaissance woman, African American author, New York-trained soprano, activist for racial equality, and nationally known speaker who appeared on Edward R. Murrow's original This I Believe program in the 1950s.

Listen to Osceola Dawson's complete This I Believe essay, "God Is the Father of All Men".

Audio excerpts courtesy of This I Believe, Inc.

Biographical information courtesy of the University of Kentucky, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database.

This report was part of a series by Jacque Day titled "The Difference They Made." The Associated Press, Kentucky awarded the series First Place for Best Special Series-Documentary, 2009.