By Jacque Day
Murray, Ky. – From Thanksgiving to New Year, Americans throw away a million extra tons of garbage each week. As new gadgets replace the old, the waste piles up. Before tossing that cell phone in the trash, why not recycle it. Murray City council member and Make a Difference Day organizer Bill Wells says, recycling at the local level does add up. He shares some numbers from the October Make a Difference Day.
"We got 293 pairs of eyeglasses that go to the Lion's club. Ink jet cartridges that go to Big Brothers Big Sisters, we got 584. Taylor Bus has a large warehouse that they heat with used motor oil. They got 250 gallons."
Wells says the Make a Difference Day efforts over the 15 years have kept 2,360 tons of paper from ending up in a landfill. So he urges residents to hold onto that holiday paper and break down those boxes. It won't be long. The next Make-A-Difference Day is scheduled for shortly after the holidays, on January 9.