NASA continues to share some fascinating photos of the Mars rover Curiosity. Among the latest:
-- An image taken from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that shows Curiosity's tracks from high above. According to NASA, "the image's color has been enhanced to show the surface details better."

-- From the rover itself, a look back at the tracks it has made so far as it moves across the surface.
The images have, of course, traveled a long way to get here. As NASA says: "At their closest, Earth and Mars can be no less than 54 million km [34 million miles] apart, while at their most distant they are as much as 400 million km [249 million miles] apart."
Our other posts about Curiosity are collected here. And for more, the report from NPR's Joe Palca on "How This Mission To Mars Is Different From Others."
(H/T to Joe.)
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