For the past 14 years, the non-profit West Kentucky Workforce Investment Board has worked with the unemployed in our region to provide resources for those looking for new jobs. The WKWIB released a draft of their economic development plan for the next year this week. The board’s local director Shelia Clark says the WIB’s main goal is to provide training for recently laid off workers and other’s who are unemployed. She says partnerships with local community colleges and universities provide a chance for people to start working in a new field where they may not have any previous experience.
The WKWIB is a nonprofit funded by the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998. The board manages employment development projects in 17 western Kentucky counties. It oversees unemployment centers, including the Breathitt Career Center in Hopkinsville. The public may comment on the draft of the plan through April 11 when it will be submitted to state officials for approval.