Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks hopes to dispel myths about millennial workers at an upcoming event at Murray State University.
Hendricks is also CEO at Momentum Consulting and is the guest-speaker for ‘Millennials in the Workplace,’ a workshop that aims to connect generational gaps between employers and a growing millennial workforce. Hendricks said by 2020 millennials will represent 40 percent of labor in the country. He said one misunderstanding is that millennials aren’t being readied for the workplace.
“I don’t think that it’s any different than it has been for Gen-Xers when they were coming into the workforce or Baby Boomers when they were coming into the workforce,” Hendricks said. “The major difference would be that this is a larger more diverse generation.”
Hendricks said millennials may see the workday as “more fluid” but that doesn’t mean that they value work any differently. The workshop is March 7.