A new study shows that Kentucky’s two-year colleges outperform the state’s public universities in several areas.
Students who earn four-year degrees still make considerably more money than those with two-year degrees. But the commonwealth’s four-year schools charge above average tuition, and graduate fewer students overall when compared to other four-year schools.
Domenic Giandomenico is with the Chamber’s Institute for a Competitive Workforce. He says Kentucky’s four-year completion rate is around 46 percent.
Kentucky’s graduation rate is about 8 or 9 percent less than the national median and that syncs up pretty well with the ratio with how far behind Kentucky is to the national median to the cost for completion.
Kentucky’s cost-for-completion for four-year schools is around $71,000, which Giandomenico says is high.
But the report shows that Kentucky's two-year colleges charge below average tuition and graduate students at an above average rate.