Murray State University’s President says he's confused about an ad-hoc committee's planned closed door meeting about his contract. Randy Dunn's current contract expires in June of 2014, and requires the university's Board of Regents to act on his contract one year before expiration. The board voted to create the ad-hoc committee in December.
The committee will review relevant information to determine whether to extend Dunn a new contract. Both the committee and full board intend to meet about the Dunn's contract in executive session closed to the public in March. The full description/timeline for the committee is below the story.
But Dunn says a recent Kentucky Attorney General opinion (this link requires a word document to be downloaded from a secure government website) on a similar contract extension situation says the meeting should be open to the public.
Board of Regents chairman Constantine Curris says he intends for the meeting to be held in executive session, and says he’s not in a position to comment on the A-G opinion. The Attorney General’s office says it will not comment on the issue unless a Kentucky Open Meetings Act complaint is filed against the Board of Regents.
Here is the outline provided for the ad-hoc committee from the Board of Regent's December quarterly meeting
Mr. Williams thanked Chair Curris and indicated in September 2010 the Board of Regents approved a new contract for Dr. Randy Dunn extending his appointment as President through June 30, 2014. At that time the Board indicated, consistent with contract language, that it would revisit the issue of renewing Dr. Dunn’s appointment no later than one year prior to its maturation, or no later than June 30, 2013. In accordance with this contractual obligation, consistent with established policies and procedures, and recognizing concerns expressed by several constituencies, at this quarterly meeting of the Board I bring forth the recommendation that the Board of Regents initiate a contract review process with the following steps: 1. By January 15, 2013 the Chairman of the Board shall appoint a small Ad Hoc Contract Review Committee consisting of the Chair and at least two additional Regents. 2. The Ad Hoc Committee will review relevant information and materials, including resolutions forwarded to the Board, data responding to the University's progress, the President’s Four-Year Review completed in August 2012 and his responses thereto, information and comments which President Dunn wishes to forward, as well as any information and comments individual Regents might wish to convey. 3. At the scheduled March meeting of the Board, the Ad Hoc Committee shall meet in Executive Session with the full Board of Regents to discuss the presidential contract, any identified issues, and to receive any further instructions from the Board. 4. At the scheduled May 10, 2013, Board meeting, the Ad Hoc Committee will conclude its work and make recommendation(s) to the full Board. At this meeting the Board of Regents is expected to take final action on extending a new presidential contract."