A Murray State Board of Regents Ad Hoc committee will gather data under four headings to review President Randy Dunn’s contract. Board Chairman Dr. Constantine Curris met with Vice-Chair Marilyn Buchanon, and Finance Committee Chair Stephen Williams in Louisville today.
The four subjects the committee intend to evaluate include: the university’s progress during the last five years, statements and resolutions of support or criticism, presidential and board relationships and contract provisions.
Buchanon will undertake some of the research regarding the University’s progress relating to reputational status during the last five years based on publications like U.S. News and World Reports America’s Best Colleges, and other ranking in publications like Forbes and Kiplinger’s.
Williams will research the university’s financial well-being during the past five years including private fundraising, foundation assets and audit and compliance.
Curris will gather data from the Kentucky’s Council on Postsecondary Education including graduation rates, incoming student ACT scores and state appropriation variance during the last five years. He plans to compare that data with other Kentucky Universities.
As for statements of support or criticism Curris says, while he isn’t formally soliciting for them, he has received some. But, he says they won’t heavily weigh into the board’s decision.
“This is not a popularity contest at this point,” said Curris. “At this point it is the decision of the board to who the board would like to have to lead this institution in the days ahead. Sentiments of people are important, but this is not an election,” said Curris.
Curris, Buchanon and Williams will independently research data in the coming weeks before scheduling another meeting. Curris says while the initial charge of his committee included a closed door meeting at the full board’s March meeting, he now says he doesn’t know whether or not the meeting will be held in closed session.
The committee will provide a final recommendation on Dunn’s contract, which currently expires in 2014, at the board’s May meeting. Unless, Curris said, the board decides to take some action on Dunn’s contract at it’s March meeting.