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MSU Faculty Senate Meets With Presidential Search Firm

Murray State.EDU

Murray State University’s Faculty Senate met with the presidential search firm yesterday to discuss what they think the university needs. The top faculty priorities were having a transparent communicator who would consider their concerns, a strong fundraiser and a president committed to diversity. Faculty Senate President Kevin Binfield says most faculty members fall into one of two divided groups.

"The two top priorities for a president that I’ve heard from faculty across the campus are a fundraiser and a traditional academic, somebody who has come up through the ranks, who will be friendly to faculty, who will listen to faculty," Binfield said. "It’s been a pretty profound split between those two."

He said those are not the only two concerns faculty have voiced though.

"I’ve been hearing three different things," he said. "One, what do you want in your next president? Frankly a lot of people said, I was surprised at the number of people who said Randy Dunn."

Witt Kieffer representatives will meet with major groups on campus throughout this week for this initial stage of the presidential search.

Whitney grew up listening to Car Talk to and from her family’s beach vacation each year, but it wasn’t until a friend introduced her to This American Life that radio really grabbed her attention. She is a recent graduate from Union University in Jackson, Tenn., where she studied journalism. When she’s not at WKMS, you can find her working on her backyard compost pile and garden, getting lost on her bicycle or crocheting one massive blanket.