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Education Summit in Nashville Announced


Top Tennessee Government officials will convene key stakeholders of K-12 education from across the state in Nashville September 18th  for Tennessee’s Education Summit.

Governor Bill Haslem, Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey, State House Speaker Beth Harwell, and nine other state lawmakers will participate in the summit, whose theme is:  Progress of the Past, Present and Future. 

Lawmakers will facilitate discussion with educators, administrators, elected officials, business leaders, higher education officials and advocacy groups to examine Tennessee’s successes in education and plan for the future.

Ramsey says the past, present, and future of education in Tennessee is exciting.

“The progress our state has made in education over the past few years has been nothing short of remarkable," Ramsey said. “I look forward to this opportunity to listen, learn and discuss how Tennessee can build on its historic gains in education.” 

Groups invited to the summit include:

-Achievement School District

-Drive to 55 Alliance

-Professional Educators of Tennessee

-State Collaborative on Reforming Education

-Superintendent Study Council

-Teach Plus

-Tennessee Association for Administrators in Special Education

-Tennessee Association of Colleges for Teacher Education

-Tennessee Board of Regents

-Tennessee Business Roundtable

-Tennessee Chamber of Commerce and Industry

-Tennessee Charter School Center

-Tennessee County Services Association

-Tennessee Department of Education

-Tennessee Education Association

-Tennessee Higher Education Commission

-Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association

-Tennessee Municipal League

-Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents

-Tennessee Parent-Teacher Association

-Tennessee Principals Association

-Tennessee School Boards Association

-Tennessee State Board of Education

-University of Tennessee

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