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Kentucky CPE President Addresses Criticism of KCTCS Search Transparency

Council on Postsecondary Education

The Kentucky Community and Technical College System’s Board of Regents has received media and public criticism over the level of accountability in its presidential search process.

Last week, the board unanimously chose Jay Box, current KCTCS chancellor, as their preferred candidate to head the 16-college, 72-campus system.

But there has been an issue regarding the 19-member presidential search committee’s methods and transparency during the process. 

Bob King, president of the Council for Post Secondary Education, says he doesn't fault the board's process at all. 

"If you're a news person, you want to know everything right now," said King. "But quite frankly, I think the public and the institution is better served when you've been assured that you've been able to test the market and get the very best candidates you can get. The process they used facilitated that." 

King says he believes the committee chose the right candidate and that the end results of the search will justify the secrecy.  

“I tend to be of the view that getting the best candidates from wherever they are is more important than having this big, open public process," said King. 

"But I do know that they tested the market, they got superb candidates and somebody can second-guess them and 'candidate X is better than Jay Box for this institution' and I don't know anybody can do that," said King. "Because I've worked with him and I know Jay, I know that he's a superb choice.

"So, would you like a different process? Okay. But the real question is 'did they get the right results?'"

Concerns have also been raised about outgoing KCTCS president Michael McCall’s $669,000 salary in 2013. King says that was a board’s decision, not McCall's, and was meant to ensure top quality officials are kept at hand.

“I see the criticism and I understand it," said King. "But when you’re talking about running these large systems that are complicated that provide enormous value to the state this perception that you’re going to get and keep capable people who function in essentially a national marketplace and the notion that he should be paid $50,000 or $100,000 is just not the world we live in. If you want great leaders, you got to be willing to pay for it.” 

On November 19th, the board will hold a special meeting after a public comment period, at which time they could approve Box’s final contract.

McCall leaves office in January. 

Rob Canning is a native of Murray, KY, a 2015 TV Production grad of Murray State. At MSU, he served as team captain of the Murray State Rowing Club. Rob's goal is to become a screenwriter, film director or producer and looks to the likes of Quentin Tarantino and Guy Ritchie for inspiration. He appreciates good music, mainly favoring British rock n' roll, and approves of anything with Jack White's name on it. When not studying, rowing or writing, Rob enjoys spending his free time with a book or guitar.
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