The Paducah Area Chamber of Commerce will host a Mayoral and City Commissioner Candidate Forum on Monday, May 14, 6 p.m., in the City Hall Commission Chambers.
The entire program will be taped for rebroadcast on the Government Access Channel 11 prior to the May 22nd Primary Election. Serving as moderator is Bill Bartleman, former political reporter for The Paducah Sun and currently director of community relations at Mid-Continent University in Mayfield.
The Forum will begin with the Commissioners race with twelve of the nineteen candidates participating. These include Commissioner Richard Abraham, Bob Cherry, Jeanie Embry, Commissioner Carol Gault, David Guess, the Reverend Raynarldo Henderson, Allan Rhodes, Frank Schuler, Peter Steyn, Lennis Thompson, Sandra Wilson, and Rod Worak.
Following the Commissioner Candidate Forum will be the Mayoral Forum with three of the four candidates participating. They are McCracken County Deputy Judge Executive Doug Harnice, Commissioner Gayle Kaler and Charles Ringstaff.
In addition, the Forum can be viewed on the City of Paducah website.