The entire GOP field in Kentucky’s fourth district congressional race had their say on KET last night. Lewis County Judge Executive Thomas Massie is considered one of the front runners in the seven person Republican primary. He commented on the use of private sector knowledge in Washington on KET’s Kentucky Tonight.
“I think we need more people in government with private sector experience. I’m kind of an alternative to the typical career politician. I’m running on a platform of fiscal responsibility and constitutionally limited government.”
State Representative Alecia Webb Edgington is another front runner in the race. She says a key Kentucky resource is under attack.
“The EPA is trying to strangle the life blood out of the commonwealth of Kentucky with its war on coal...we have got to stop that foolishness right now.”
Massie and Webb Edgington appeared alongside the other five Republican candidates for the congressional seat on Kentucky Tonight. You can hear a full broadcast of Kentucky Tonight every Tuesday at noon on WKMS.