Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway says it may be time for lawmakers to take a second look at a tough prescription pill bill that passed earlier this year. Conway was a leading advocate of House Bill 1, which requires doctors to use the KASPER pill tracking system. But the Kentucky Medical Association has long opposed HB1. The group says the KASPER requirement is too burdensome on many doctors. And now Conway says lawmakers should think about working with doctors to improve the measure.
“Rather than trying to kill a bill, or trying to turn a blind eye to a problem that’s keeping Kentucky from being all that it can be, the KMA and its leadership need to come forward and say let’s sit down, we recognize there is a problem, we want to be part of the solution rather than standing in the way," said Conway. "If they are just going to come to hearings and scream that’s it too much work for them I don’t think it’s going to do them any good.”
Conway isn’t specific on what exemptions he’d like to see and he still says that the majority of doctors need to use KASPER. House Speaker Greg Stumbo is the author of the law. His office says the General Assembly will determine whether changes are needed.