Recommended readings on the black patch wars include “The Tobacco Night Riders of Kentucky and Tennessee: 1905-1909” by James Nalland “On Bended Knees: The true story of the Night Rider Tobacco War in Kentucky and Tennessee”by Kentucky Supreme Court Justice Bill Cunningham. Cunningham, also gives tonight's (Monday) keynote at Murray State’s Constitution day celebration. The title of his presentation, “The Fourth Amendment; the Majesty of the Ruined Tenement,” references a statement attributed to William Pitt while he was speaking about the cider excise tax in the British House of Commons in 1763. Judge Cunningham gave WKMS a preview of the speech.
The Honorable Justice Bill Cunningham caps off Murray State’s Constitution Day with a keynote address at 7 p.m. in the Curris Center Theatre. Hourly scholarly discussions commence at 9:30 and continue through 3:30. All discussions are in Freed Curd Auditorium of the Industry and Technology Building except for the 11:30 to 12:30 session on Religion and the Constitution which will be in the Barkley Room of The Curris Center. All activities are open to the public.