Calloway County Judge-Executive Larry Elkins is pushing to get the speed limit on a portion of highway U.S. 68/KY 80 raised from 55 mph, to 65.
Last year, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet raised the speed limit on a different, 59-mile section of the highway between Cadiz and Bowling Green.
Elkins said he met with KYTC official Mike McGregor at the end of October to discuss raising the speed limit, but walked away from the meeting unsatisfied.
"Nobody has given a reasonable explanation why they would refuse to increase it," Elkins said. "If anything it's more rural here than it is between Cadiz and Bowling Green. My personal opinion that I can't prove is that it's politics."
KYTC spokesman Keith Todd said raising the speed limit on the rest of 68/80 will not be on the table until all of it is a four-lane highway. That won't be until after the new bridges are completed over Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley.