Due to potentially hazardous weather, Calloway County Health Department (CCHD) announced the Feb. 17 Regional Vaccination Site at Murray State University’s CFSB is rescheduled for Sunday, Feb. 14th.
In a press release, CCHD explained the expected forecast for early next week includes several inches of snow. CCHD said the decision to reschedule is in the interest of getting the vaccine distributed to more than 70 community members in a safe and timely manner.
Patients with a confirmed appointment for the Thursday, Feb. 17th clinic at the CFSB Center will be contacted via phone and their appointment will be rescheduled. The appointment times are expected to change as well. The clinic will still be at the CFSB Center.
CCHD also confirmed three new cases of COVID-19 in Calloway County for Feb. 11th. The total number of confirmed cases is now at 3,286 with 3,170 recovered, 64 isolated at home, five hospitalized, and 47 deaths.
Murray-Calloway County Hospital’s (MCCH) latest calculated positivity rate reported is 8.96% as of Feb. 4th.
The health department said future Regional Vaccination Site dates and appointments will be scheduled soon. Eligible members of the community may continue to sign up for the vaccine through the Calloway County Health Department’s website:www.callowayhealth.org and click on the COVID Vaccine Sign-Up. If you have already called the health department or gone on-line to add your name, then you are on the vaccine list and will be contacted when a slot is available.