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Hospice House construction delayed to 2011

By Jacque Day

Murray, Ky. – Fundraising setbacks have delayed groundbreaking for a Residential Hospice House in Murray. It was scheduled to be under construction this year. Keith Travis of the Murray-Calloway County Hospital Office of Institutional Development says they're still about $500,000 from meeting the fundraising goal. He says, the facility isn't yet named, and they're seeking a donor who can contribute at the naming level.

"We're looking for that opportunity to put a name on it, to put a face and a name with the facility, and make it something that's truly aligned with Murray."

Bids for the hospice house have come in at about $3.8 million, still significantly lower than the $5 million originally projected. Travis says they're considering two bids. An anonymous donor who pledged $1.5 million, nearly half the projected cost, has declined the naming opportunity. Travis says they've received the first installment of that pledge in the amount of $300,000.