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Senate Education Committee Chairman Says Budget Cuts "Overblown"

Kentucky Senator Ken Winters
LRC Public Information
Kentucky Senator Ken Winters

By Angela Hatton

Murray, KY – The Senate Appropriations and Revenue Committee is meeting in Frankfort to consider the House version of the Medicaid Bill. The House passed the bill 94 to 4 last night. Senator Ken Winters of Murray says he has not read the details of the House version, but he says he still supports minor budget cuts to balance Medicaid. Winters, who chairs the Senate Education Committee, says the impact of cuts to education has been overblown.

"Naturally, I would prefer not to have that, but the fact that -it's called EduJobs grant program from the federal government came down, a very significant allocation to the schools this year, it would it possible."

Winters says the Senate has proposed cutting sixth-tenths of one percent from SEEK, or Supporting Education Excellence in Kentucky. It's the formula used to allocate funding to local districts. Winters says cuts to other sectors are larger. He says the full Senate may take up the bill later this week.