On this day one year ago, a catastrophic EF5 multiple-vortex tornado, with a width of one mile ripped threw the southern part of Joplin, Missouri. With winds over 200 miles an hour, it raked eastward across the city and onto rural portions of Jasper and Newton counties.
The tornado caused roughly $3 billion in damages, the costliest tornado in US history, destroying dozens of homes, a hospital, main street, a technology center, and high school. It also ranks as one of the deadliest in US history, with a death toll of 161 people. From disaster comes heroes, like the Pizza Hut manager who herded 19 people into a walk-in freezer, then holding it shut with his body until he was sucked into the tornado. And the emergency personnel who descended upon the city to search for missing persons, reunited 944 pets to their owners, to the people determined to rebuild, and for the thousands who united together under the banner, "We Support You Joplin."
It’s Tuesday, May 22
Thursday, June 7, the City of Murray hosts a public forum regarding the local option election on alcohol. Representatives from the state will answer questions about the impact of local option election. Submit questions in advance to harla.mcclure@murrayky.gov or call 270-762-0350.
Saturday there’s a Music Festival benefiting the Calloway and Henry County Relay for Life efforts. Alonzo Pennington, the Tommy Akers Band, Trippin’ Lizard and Nightfish are among performers. Music starts at noon and goes until at Hidden Creek Resort near Mansard Island. There’s free admission with donations accepted at the gate.
Mayfield-Graves County Needline and Food Pantry’s monthly senior citizens commodities distribution is Friday, a week later than usual. It’s from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Pantry, 424 South Ninth. This distribution is for those 60 plus who have been approved. Call the Pantry at 270-247-6333 from 9 to noon through Thursday to learn how to qualify.
See more events at wkms.org. Thank you for listening.