Today on NPR: Advocates for prisoners have long argued that confinement conditions in prisons violate the constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment. On Tuesday, they made their case before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee, complete with a replica prison cell in the hearing room.
Four Rivers Region:
Murray hosts a Kentucky fair housing workshop today, focusing on the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
McCracken County High School's new Principal says one of his goals is creating a sense of community at the county’s consolidated high school.
Union City’s Discovery Park of America is adding several extra attractions.
Around the Commonwealth:
Senator Mitch McConnell is urging his colleagues block a move by the EPA to limit emissions.
So just how many horses live in the state that proclaims itself as the world's equine capital?
A new study shows that Kentucky’s two-year colleges outperform the state’s public universities in several areas.