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the morning cram [lost your marbles? maybe they're in Springfield edition]

Today on NPR:

Apparently, male snails make good adoptive fathers.

In Kentucky:

The Commonwealth, and a liquor store, are trying to block alcohol sales in groceries.

The General Assembly sets its calendar for the next legislative session.

In Illinois:

The state treasurer says his office has more than a billion and a half dollars in unclaimed property.

Todd Hatton hails from Paducah, Kentucky, where he got into radio under the auspices of the late, great John Stewart of WKYX while a student at Paducah Community College. He also worked at WKMS in the reel-to-reel tape days of the early 1990s before running off first to San Francisco, then Orlando in search of something to do when he grew up. He received his MFA in Creative Writing at Murray State University. He vigorously resists adulthood and watches his wife, Angela Hatton, save the world one plastic bottle at a time.
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