School nutrition directors are faced with the daunting possibility of canceling her summer meal program, which is especially crucial for some kids because school isn’t in session to provide regular meals.
A new report from the Annie E. Casey foundation ranks Kentucky 37th in the nation for overall child well-being, the same ranking as the last report in 2020. The 2021 rankings are based on 2019 data on family income, child health indicators and educational outcomes. They show the state made progress in the last decade up until the pandemic.
YouTube says it has already disabled comments on "tens of millions of videos that could be subject to predatory behavior."
A large study of Danish kids finds that childhood infections are linked with a higher risk of developing some mental illnesses. The risk is highest in the months immediately following the infection.
Economic growth usually means more kids get health insurance, but that's not been the case during the Trump years, a study shows. For the first time in a decade, the uninsured rate for children is up.
Fewer Kentucky children are living in poverty now compared to 2017. That’s according to the new Kentucky Youth Advocates County Data Book, which looks at…
Researchers analyzing data from a study looking at adolescent cognition found greater social media use was associated with increased physical activity and less family conflict.
Kentucky's largest city will soon require restaurants to offer healthy food on its children's menus.The Courier Journal reports the Louisville Metro…
Kids enrolled in Kentucky’s Children’s Health Insurance program, known as CHIP, could lose their coverage in March if Congress doesn’t pass a bill to fund…
Many videos on the site feature popular characters in upsetting and violent situations, and some videos of children have attracted pedophilic comments. YouTube says it is toughening its approach.