Outgoing U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan traveled to Georgetown on Tuesday to campaign for Republican Congressman Andy Barr, who’s facing a tough re-election…
If being speaker of the House remains the most coveted job on Capitol Hill, it has also become the most frustrating. And to be frank, it's more likely to crash a career than to cap it these days.
House Speaker Paul Ryan's decision to call it quits could make a tough Republican midterm campaign even more challenging for GOP incumbents.
Amid an uneasy tenure that saw the failure of an Obamacare repeal and the passing of tax cuts — as well as an uneven relationship with President Trump — Ryan is calling it quits.
In an interview with NPR, the House speaker said the tax bill was "designed" as a middle-class tax cut. But in reality, at its core, it is a corporate tax cut.
"I think we're all realizing that sexual harassment in America is absolutely pervasive and it's got to go and we need to end it," House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., told NPR's Steve Inskeep.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions has told people that he has no interest in returning to his old Senate seat from Alabama, as Moore continues to dig in against allegations of sexual misconduct.
The House voted Thursday to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. But this bill will likely never become law, at least not in its current form, and the road ahead is bumpy and full of potholes.
The U.S. has relied on legislation from 2001 to justify its use of force against ISIS. But a bipartisan group of representatives say it's outdated, and argue it's time for a debate.
Insurance companies face deadlines to offer Affordable Care Act plans for next year, but lawmakers and the White House have left key decisions up in the air.