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Murray Dance Stars Raises Funds for Playhouse in the Park

The event Murray Dance Stars raises money for Murray's Playhouse in the Park on Saturday, November 17 at MSU's Curris Center Ballroom. One of the dancers, Doris Clark Sarr, visited Sounds Good in her quest to challenge other dancers (Lisa Satterwhite, Amanda Lough, Susan Williams, Mark Boggess and Eric Phelps) in their competition to sell the most tickets and tables for the show. Tickets are available at the door, at Playhouse in the Park, and from any dancer. General Admission is $25. Students with ID $15. Available at the door. There's a reception at 6 p.m. and the program begins at 7. Sarr directs Murray State's Adventures in Math and Science program and she's VP, Student Affairs.

Please note: the beginning of the interview got slightly clipped. Kate asks Doris if she's ready for the show and she replies, that it's been a while since she's put her dancing shoes on.

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