The Kentucky Tourism Bureau lists the LowerTown Arts and Music Festival in Paducah among the top Spring festivals in the Commonwealth. The annual gathering of regional music, artists and food vendors is Friday, May 15 and Saturday May 16 in the LowerTown district. Organizers Michael and Victoria Terra of Terra Cottage Ceramics joins Kate Lochte on Sounds Good to talk about this year's special events, the juried artists on display and the line-up of local music.
WKMS Broadcasts Live from the LowerTown Arts & Music Festival... both nights!
Friday, May 15: Tune in from 6 p.m. to 7 to hear D'Arkestra and from 9 p.m. to 10:30 for The Features.
Saturday, May 16: Hear Jessica Lee Wilkes from 8 p.m. to 9, followed by The Legendary Shack Shakers from 9 p.m. to 10:30.
Interviews with artists and bands heard on Sounds Good:
- Tahmi DeSchepper's Woven Metal Among LowerTown Art
- Bowling Green Psychedelic Rock Band Buffalo Rodeo Plays LowerTown
- Louisville-Based Indie Jazz Group D'Arkestra Plays LowerTown
- T.R. Reed Brings Comic "Creachters" & Whirligigs to LowerTown Arts & Music Festival
- Baumbach's Art "Captures the Beauty of Everyday Life" & Comes to LowerTown
- David Lucht Brings His Batik Fiber Art to LowerTown
- Organic Lexington-Based Folk Band Bear Medicine Plays LowerTown
- Beth McDaniel's Reclaimed Jewelry Started with Aunt Eula, Coming to LowerTown
- Nashville Indie Rock Band The Features Play LowerTown
- St. Louis Roots Americana Band Loot Rock Gang Brings Vocal Harmonies to LowerTown
The Rotary Club of Paducah celebrates their 100th Anniversary this year and in honor of the event, fireworks will be launched from the riverfront while the Paducah Symphony Orchestra plays music on the LowerTown main stage. The festival itself weaves around the neighborhood, so everything is within a short walk. One side has the Taste of Paducah, featuring 15 different restaurants from grilled asparagus to seared lamb steaks to barbecue. On the other side of the street is the children's pavilion hosted by Purchase Area Family Magazine.
On 6th and 7th streets will be the beer and wine tent, the laugh tent, a second music stage and food demonstrations. Throughout the festival will be 60 to 70 visual and 3d artists showcasing work for sale including jewelry, clay work, wood work, painting, photography, and weaving. These artists are juried to be at the festival and Michael Terra says the standards have gone up this year, so the work is more impressive than ever.
The main stage is located at 7th and Madison and features regional music from St. Louis to Nashville and in between. Something for everyone, the music line-up includes music heard on Sounds Good like Gideon's Rifle, Chris Black, Kelsey Waldon, Nick Dittmeier, The Wheelhouse Rousters, Red Ember, Big Atomic, The Drunken Poets, Leonard the Band, The Savage Radley, The Legendary Shack Shakers and many others. Also, hear the Paducah Symphony Orchestra, Youth Symphony, Children's Chorus and Youth Chorus.
"By limiting our festival to be strictly regional, so that the wine, the beer, the art, the music, everybody comes from here. To celebrate a place that is so rich with creative energy and creative output, you'd think that 'well I'm limiting myself' - we're not limiting ourselves at all. It's astounding."
The Festival is Friday, May 15 from 3 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and Saturday, May 16 from 10 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Stop by the WKMS Booth!