In the second installment of “Something from Nothing” Grace Yocum is the guest. The barista, and artist of several types, discusses many of her artistic endeavors. The episode is recorded in her apartment, the place where she creates much of her art, especially painting.
Over the course of the episode Grace explains family influences and how her upbringing gave her the confidence to pursue art. Her local training at the Paducah School of Art and Design is a topic of conversation as well. The story behind her puzzle piece contribution at Mellow Mushroom and a collaboration that she organized with the community are explained. Concluding the interview is Grace reading and explaining a poem that is meaningful to her.
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While still early in her career, Grace is highly skilled in painting, drawing, and writing. She is able to describe how she developed these skills. For more of her work she can be found on instagram. She is available to do commissions and can be contacted through her instagram account: @gracecyocum.
Introduction theme music is provided by Daniel Neihoff and the music closing the show under the poem is contributed by Leonard the Band.