Correction: This story has been corrected to reflect new information provided by Julie Tennyson. A previous version of this story incorrectly stated Tennyson would serve on the first female majority panel of the Kentucky Supreme Court.
Paducah attorney Julie Tennyson will serve as a special justice of the Kentucky Supreme Court to review a case as part of at least the second majority female panel.
Tennyson and Cheryl Lewis of Hyden were officially sworn in as special justices April 21 to review the case of Lindsey Childers, As Administratrix of the Estate of Cameron Pearson, et. al. v. William S. Albright, et al. Case No. 2019-SC-226D.
Tennyson and Lewis were asked to serve as special justices after Justice Shea Nickell, from the First Supreme Court District, and Justice Debra Lambert, from the Third Supreme Court District, were unable to rule in the matter due to involvement in the review of opinions related to the matter while serving on the Kentucky Court of Appeals, prior to their elections to the Kentucky Supreme Court. At least one previous panel that released an opinion in April 2008 also included two female special appointed justices, along with two female elected judges.
After a decision on the case by the Kentucky Court of Appeals, Childers requested the Kentucky Supreme Court grant discretionary review. The Kentucky Supreme Court panel decided on April 21 to grant discretionary review. Oral arguments for the case will be scheduled for later in the year.
Tennyson said the briefing is expected to take six months, and oral arguments in the case will follow. At this time it is unknown whether the oral argument will be in person or through video conferencing.
“I am honored to serve as a special justice. I am thankful for the trust Gov. Andy Beshear has
placed in me to be a fair and impartial judge,” Tennyson stated.
According to a press release, Tennyson’s appointment is exclusively for this one case.
The other five permanent members of the state’s highest court are: Justice Lisabeth Hughes
(Fourth Supreme Court District); Justice Michelle Keller (Sixth Supreme Court District); Chief
Justice John Minton (Second Supreme Court District); Justice Samuel Wright, III (Seventh
Supreme Court District); and Justice Laurance Van Meter (Fifth Supreme Court District).
Tennyson, who is partner in the law firm of Marcum Tennyson, PLLC, said she will continue her regular practice, which primarily consists of the following: assisting individuals and businesses with litigation matters; preparation and review of contracts; advising businesses on employment
matters; and advising, filing, and litigating patent, trademark, and copyright matters.