Update Wednesday: Paducah Rotary Playground will be closed until further notice. City crews are preparing the site for a rubberized safety surface.
Groundbreaking for the Paducah Health Park in Fountain Avenue begins next week. According to the City of Paducah, the first phase of development will take six months to complete.
This phase includes safety surfacing for the Paducah Rotary playground built last summer, construction of a 1/3rd mile walking trail, and other work including lighting and irrigation.
Mayor Gayle Kaler said the park will also offer a fitness area and an expanded community garden.
Future plans include restrooms, a spray pad and outdoor performance area.
The city has received more than $668,000 through grants and donations for the park. Donations include Baptist Health Paducah and Lourdes Hospital. Grants come from the Land & Water Conservation Fund, Recreational Trails and the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky 'Investing in Kentucky's Future' grant.
The park currently has the Paducah Rotary Playground, a community garden and an open lot.
A groundbreaking ceremony is Wednesday. December 7 at 1:30 at the corner of 14th and Madison Streets.