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South Fulton Adopts New Fire Subscription Service

Obion County Tennessee residents within 5 miles of South Fulton have a new subscription based fire service that helps ensure fire fighters respond to all fires. The change comes after the city faced scrutiny for not fighting fires at homes where the owner failed to pay the fee. City commissioners voted three to two Thursday night to approve the ordinance. The new service still requires an annual $75.00 subscription and a response fee but those who fail to pay the annual fee will receive a $3,500.00 penalty if the fire department responds to a fire. City Commissioner Jeff Vowell voted for the ordinance.


“We felt like it still maintained the integrity of the system," said Vowell.  "It is still punitive enough to non paying subscribers and yet it allows the city fire department to operate in a such a manner that doesn’t bring down scrutiny on the town.”


The city will also seek legal action against those non-paying subscribers if they fail to repay the response fee.  Mayor David Crocker and Commissioner Charles Moody voted no on the ordinance, but declined to comment further. The ordinance takes effect immediately.

Chad Lampe, a Poplar Bluff, Missouri native, was raised on radio. He credits his father, a broadcast engineer, for his technical knowledge, and his mother for the gift of gab. At ten years old he broke all bonds of the FCC and built his own one watt pirate radio station. His childhood afternoons were spent playing music and interviewing classmates for all his friends to hear. At fourteen he began working for the local radio stations, until he graduated high school. He earned an undergraduate degree in Psychology at Murray State, and a Masters Degree in Mass Communication. In November, 2011, Chad was named Station Manager in 2016.
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